Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At MystigueTrends, we value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and share information when you visit or make a purchase from (referred to as “the Site”, “we”, “us”, or “our”).

Collection of Personal Information:

  • When you visit the Site, we gather information about your device, your interactions with the Site, and information necessary for processing your purchases.
  • Personal Information we collect may include your web browser version, IP address, time zone, cookie information, viewed sites or products, search terms, and interactions with the Site for the purpose of accurately loading the Site for you and optimizing our Site through analytics.
  • Order information collected includes your name, billing and shipping address, payment details (including credit card numbers), email address, and phone number. This is essential for fulfilling contracts, processing payments, arranging shipping, providing invoices/order confirmations, communication, screening orders for potential risk or fraud, and aligning with your preferences for product or service information.

Use of Personal Information:

  • We utilize your Personal Information to offer products for sale, process payments, ship and fulfill orders, and keep you updated on new products, services, and offers.

Sharing of Personal Information:

  • Your Personal Information may be shared with service providers to help us provide our services and fulfill contracts. For example, we use third-party services for payment processing, order fulfillment, and customer support.
  • We may also share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, respond to lawful requests for information, or to protect our rights.

Behavioural Advertising:

  • We use your Personal Information for targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. This includes sharing information about your Site usage with our advertising partners.

Your Rights:

  • Depending on your location, you may have rights to access, correct, update, or delete your Personal Information. Please contact us for requests related to these rights.
  • Your Personal Information may be transferred outside of Europe for storage and further processing, including to countries like Canada and the United States.


  • Cookies are used on our Site to improve your browsing experience, remember your preferences, and for analytics. You have the option to manage and control cookies through your browser settings.

Do Not Track:

  • Our Site does not alter its data collection and usage practices when we detect a “Do Not Track” signal from your browser.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

  • We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our practices, legal or regulatory reasons. We encourage you to review it periodically.